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Transnet foiled yet again on port expansion: Shauwn Mpisani & Italian ‘CMI Emtateni’ partners drop out of BRICS NDB loan scam

(This is the $200 million loan in which last May the BRICS Bank financed 40% of yet another wicked Transnet deal - with no community consultation. Hence no one told the Sandton branch banksters who they were dealing with, until late last year a whistleblower went to an Irish private investigator with great media cred. [...]

By |2019-05-29T07:19:26+00:00May 28th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Infratructure & Development & EIA's, Oil and Gas Exploration|Comments Off on Transnet foiled yet again on port expansion: Shauwn Mpisani & Italian ‘CMI Emtateni’ partners drop out of BRICS NDB loan scam

Fridays4Future in Durban; Sasol-financier climate protest coincides with its 13% share crash; next global event is 20 September

(Amongst 1.4 million children across the world who did a FridaysForFuture protest on May 24, KwaZulu-Natal kids were out in an unusual space, in all Durban's diversity and creativity. In my 15 years witnessing protests in this city, this had the most accurate representivity of the city in race, class, gender and generational terms. Though [...]

By |2019-05-29T07:18:40+00:00May 28th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Energy & Climate Change, Oil and Gas Exploration|Comments Off on Fridays4Future in Durban; Sasol-financier climate protest coincides with its 13% share crash; next global event is 20 September

Dissent over oasis park project

Dissent over oasis park project The project has raised questions for the men, who believe unless satisfactorily answered, it should be halted. January 11, 2019 THE proposed oasis development in the Bluff valley, known as Van Riebeeck Park, has raised concerns from Bluff Ratepayers Association chairman Ivor Alyward and former councillor and Bluff historian Duncan [...]

By |2019-05-29T07:17:41+00:00May 28th, 2019|Community Empowerment|Comments Off on Dissent over oasis park project

Approximately 150 people took part in the Youth For Climate Action March on Unlawful Endangerment on Friday 24th May 2019. #youthforclimate #Stopunlawfulendangerment #solidarity #unitedorganisations #oceansnotoil Image may contain: 1 person, grass, child, plant, outdoor and nature

By |2019-05-27T13:23:29+00:00May 27th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Energy & Climate Change|Comments Off on Approximately 150 people took part in the Youth For Climate Action March on Unlawful Endangerment on Friday 24th May 2019. #youthforclimate #Stopunlawfulendangerment #solidarity #unitedorganisations #oceansnotoil Image may contain: 1 person, grass, child, plant, outdoor and nature

The Coalition of the Poor Currently Marching against Corruption in Durban. #untiedwestand #soildarity #stopcorruption #anti-corruption

By |2019-05-27T13:23:50+00:00May 27th, 2019|Community Empowerment|Comments Off on The Coalition of the Poor Currently Marching against Corruption in Durban. #untiedwestand #soildarity #stopcorruption #anti-corruption

Wentworth is stinking with an overflow of sewage, causing devastating health effects.

Wentworth is stinking with an overflow of sewage, causing devastating health effects.   IMAGES CREDIT: Mvuzo Ntombela/SDCEA The eThekwini Municipality workers strike by Durban Solid Waste, Water and Sanitation and electricity units is causing grave concerns, leaving the city and many Durban communities in a stench. This is causing a health hazard. "As you enter Wentworth, [...]

By |2019-05-27T13:02:40+00:00May 17th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Infratructure & Development & EIA's|Comments Off on Wentworth is stinking with an overflow of sewage, causing devastating health effects.

Education Awareness on offshore oil & gas drilling at the Durban Racing Pigeon Club

On the 14 May 2019, approximately sixty people participated in an education awareness workshop on offshore oil and gas drilling at the Durban Racing Pigeon Club hosted by the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA).   

By |2019-05-15T12:32:45+00:00May 15th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Energy & Climate Change, Oil and Gas Exploration|Comments Off on Education Awareness on offshore oil & gas drilling at the Durban Racing Pigeon Club

How to Log an Air Pollution Complaint

How to log Air Pollution Complaint We urge all community members to continue logging pollution complains through the pollution line: Daytime 031- 311 3555/5150 nighttime 031- 361 0000 and ASK for a reference number very crucial and send it to us (SDCEA), call us on 31 4611 991 ask for Bongani or email to bongani@sdceango.co.za [...]

By |2019-03-08T09:01:05+00:00March 6th, 2019|Community Empowerment, Pollution & Health|Comments Off on How to Log an Air Pollution Complaint

Join us in participation of a Spacial Development workshop.

SDCEA invites you to join us in participation of a Spacial Development workshop which will take place at the Clairwood Tamil Institute on the 07 July 2018.

By |2018-06-22T14:00:54+00:00June 22nd, 2018|Community Empowerment, Infratructure & Development & EIA's|Comments Off on Join us in participation of a Spacial Development workshop.

Petroleum Agency South Africa and the Department of Mineral Resources: Say No to offshore oil and gas drilling in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Please sign the petition in the link below: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Petroleum_Agency_South_Africa_and_the_Department_of_Mineral_Resources_Say_No_to_offshore_oil_and_gas_drilling_in_KwaZulu/?copy&utm_source=sharetools&utm_medium=copy&utm_campaign=petition-521738-Petroleum_Agency_South_Africa_and_the_Department_of_Mineral_Resources_Say_No_to_offshore_oil_and_gas_drilling_in_KwaZulu&utm_term=noHash%2Ben Thank you. 

By |2018-11-20T13:07:47+00:00May 31st, 2018|Community Empowerment, Oil and Gas Exploration|Comments Off on Petroleum Agency South Africa and the Department of Mineral Resources: Say No to offshore oil and gas drilling in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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